Disclosure pursuant to article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679

In accordance with articles 12, 13 and 14 of European Regulation 2016/679, also known as the “General Data Protection Regulation” (hereafter “GDPR”), relating to the protection of physical persons with regards to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data, we inform you that the data provided by you or otherwise acquired within the scope of the services provided by Iemoli Trasporti Srl will be subject to processing in accordance with the regulations mentioned above and the confidentiality obligations that inform the activity of our organisation.

With the processing of personal data, we intend any operation or series of operations, including those that are carried out without the use of electronic tools, concerning the gathering, organisation, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, deletion and destruction of data, even if not registered within a database.

The aim of this disclosure is to make known – with complete transparency – the purposes for which we may use your data, how we manage it, to whom your data may be communicated, where this may be transferred (within or outside of the EU) and what your rights are.

Who processes your data

Your data will be processed by Iemoli Trasporti Srl, as the Data Controller.

You are hereby informed that as well as Iemoli Trasporti Srl, certain External Data Processers are involved in the processing of personal data: these have been suitably referenced, surveyed, contracted and nominated by Iemoli Trasporti Srl on the basis of article 28 of the GDPR. The list of external Data Processors involved in the processing of personal data can be accessed at the registered headquarters of Iemoli Trasporti Srl.

Why we require your data

Iemoli Trasporti Srl will use your data exclusively for the following aims:

Aims connected to the management of contractual relationships and the provision of Services: your Data will be processed for the following purposes: establishment, management and dissolution of contractual and fiscal obligations; fulfilment of legal obligations (for example: anti-terrorism checks); money laundering checks; fiscal and accounting verifications; management of judicial disputes; disbursement, support, updating and information regarding Services offered and functionalities available.

Iemoli Trasporti Srl will carry out processing:

because it is necessary to fulfil the contractual obligations detailed in point 1)
because it is necessary to fulfil the legal obligations to which you are subject (e.g. obligations relating to accounting, remuneration, welfare, anti-terrorism checks);
because processing is necessary to pursue a legitimate interest (for example, money laundering checks, use of video surveillance tools to protect company assets and relevant commercial relationships).
It follows that the provision of your Personal Data is obligatory for the aims listed above.

A failure to provide data will preclude the possibility of achieving the aims listed above and therefore of fulfilling the contractual relationship.
The importance and adequacy of Data provided will be evaluated from time to time, with the aim of determining the subsequent decisions and avoiding the processing of Data beyond the objectives pursued.

Iemoli Trasporti Srl promises not to use your Personal Data for aims other than those described in this disclosure without informing you beforehand, or, if necessary, obtaining your consent.

How we use your data

Iemoli Trasporti Srl strives to protect the Data of its clients, and our processing of Data is characterised by principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency. We inform you, therefore, that your Personal Data will be processed using tools and procedures that are adequate for guaranteeing maximum security and confidentiality, via the use of archives and paper supports, digital supports, as well as electronic and telecommunications means.

We remind you that you have the option to exercise your right to objection, which – unless you provide contrary indication – will be referred to both traditional communications as well as automated communications.

For how long do we keep your information

Beginning with the time of receipt/update, your Personal Data will be kept for a reasonable period with regard to the purposes of processing indicated above, and in full compliance with the law. With a view to full transparency, the document entitled “Policy Regarding the Retention of Data” is available at the registered headquarters of Iemoli Trasporti Srl; this document is an integral part of the company’s System for the Management of Data Protection and you have the right to request a copy by contacting the company at the following email address: info@iemoli.it. Within the same document you will also find indications regarding the criteria used to determine the period of retention.

Do we share your information with other parties?

For the aims indicated above (“Why we require your data”), your Data may be communicated to third parties [including Debt Collection Companies, User Companies, Professionals, Bilateral Entities from the sector pursuant to article 24, comma 2, letter h), CCNL Administration Companies, Public Bodies, and Auditing and Monitoring Bodies], to meet the obligations set by law or community legislation, or for aspects regarding the management and execution of the contractual relationship.

For all the aims indicated in this disclosure, your Data can also be transferred abroad, both within and outside of the European Union, in compliance with the rights and the guarantees set by current legislation, subject to verification that the Country in question guarantees an “adequate” level of protection.

Furthermore, Data will be processed by staff within Iemoli Trasporti Srl who have been adequately instructed and who operate as personnel who are authorised in the processing of Data.

Archived data can only be accessed by public authorities, in situations and ways specified by laws currently in force, in the event of legal disputes.

Your Personal Data will not be subject to dissemination.

What are your rights?

At any time, you have right to request:

access to your personal data;
correction of your personal data in the case of inaccuracy;
deletion of your personal data;
limitation of the processing of your personal data.
You also have:

the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data if this is processed in order to pursue a legitimate interest of Iemoli Trasporti Srl;
the right to the portability of your personal data – i.e., to receive the personal data you provided in a structured format that is commonly used and can be read on automatic devices.
We will deal with your request with maximum commitment to guarantee that your rights are successfully exercised. Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the National Control Authority (Privacy Guarantor).

For a complete guide to all the rights of data subjects, please refer to Item III of the GDPR.

Can you revoke your consent, once it has been given?

Yes, you can revoke your consent at any time, without:

prejudicing the lawfulness of processing based on consent that was given before revocation;
prejudicing further processing of the same data on other legal bases (for example, contractual obligations or legal obligations to which Iemoli Trasporti Srl is subject.
The details of the Data Controller for the processing of data provided by you are the following:

Iemoli Trasporti Srl, registered at Cadorago (Co) , via A.Volta, 40 tel. 031.904506

At any time, you can use these contact details to exercise your rights as stipulated in the GDPR and as listed above in detail.

The Data Controller
Iemoli Trasporti Srl